The Cover Notes are a three-piece function band based in the Gwendraeth Valley, South Wales. Elliot, Aidan and Matthew have been in many bands over the years and grew up playing original and cover music throughout the Carmarthenshire, Llanelli and Swansea music scenes. Since then, they've come together to form a brand new cover band, bringing along all of their experience and enthusiasm for live entertainment - straight to your event! So if you want something different for your wedding, party, festival or function, then get in touch now!
Lead Vocals & Guitar
Elliot has been musical since the beginning! From a family of musicians, Elliot has spent many years on stage, and not just behind the mic! He plays drums, guitar, sings and runs the technical side of our shows all while entertaining the masses front of stage!
Drums & Vocals
Behind the kit, Aidan can often be seen singing and shouting along with the crowd and makes his presence known. Keeping up the tempo and helping you find your feet, he always has a few surprises up his sleeve...
On the bass guitar, Matthew is the foundation of funk for this trio. A solid bass line is always one to listen out for and he brings it every time. A veteran on the bass, Matthew knows a banger when he hears one and loves to get you dancing!